Markus Lai

Editor-in Chief at Broken Fuse VG Blog. Former chef turned Civil Engineer/Thermal Imaging tech. Can be found outdoors canoeing/biking, doing photography or playing video games in his free time. Follow him on twitter at

Author's posts

iOS 5.1.1 is live

20120512-115942.jpg if you own an iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch, iOS 5.1.1 update is available to download now!

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What would you like to see at E3 2012?

E3 2012 is coming up in about three weeks! What are you most excited for and what would you like to see at this year’s E3?

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No Kid Icarus Uprising Sequel

Kid Icarus fans, if you want seconds, you’re out of luck! Continue reading

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Bioshock Infinite delayed until 2013

Well I guess this isn’t much of a shock (pun intended) but another game has been delayed. Continue reading

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Youtube Tuesday: Zelda’s Totally Fake Deleted Scene

This gave me a good chuckle or two!

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Microsoft Confirms $99 Subscription Based Consoles

Well it has to start somewhere right? Microsoft has confirmed the $99 subscription consoles to be a real thing as long as you bring in this coupon for the 4GB Xbox 360 Slim model with Kinect. This offer is only valid for the States at the moment and conctract stipulates that there will be early cancellation fees to the montly XBL subscriptions that are part of the $99 Xbox 360 + Kinect deal.

(Source: Game Informer)

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Happy Star Wars Day

May Fourth is undeniably pun related and nerdy for all Star Wars fans. Continue reading

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Toronto Comics Arts Festival Is This Weekend!

This is a bit of a reminder for those who are in the Greater Toronto Area and are fans of the comic arts. Continue reading

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Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale

Well it looks like Sony’s jumping on the bandwagon! Continue reading

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Youtube Tuesday: Zelda The Musical

Da da da daaa!

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