Markus Lai

Editor-in Chief at Broken Fuse VG Blog. Former chef turned Civil Engineer/Thermal Imaging tech. Can be found outdoors canoeing/biking, doing photography or playing video games in his free time. Follow him on twitter at

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Wii U Revealed at Nintendo’s E3 Press Conference

As most of us knew, Project Café is Nintendo’s codename for their new system and they revealed on Tuesday at their E3 press conference as the Wii U. Continue reading

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Nintendo 3DS eShop & Internet Browser Available!

If you haven’t updated your 3DS firmware, it’s due time to connect it to a wifi hotspot! June 6 had brought us an update to the 3DS firmware, although some of us in North America didn’t get it til past midnight!

This update brought us access to the Internet Browser, SpotPass and the long awaited eShop! Now you can also transfer any DSiWare apps to your 3DS too! And since the eShop is now open for business, it also has a Virtual Console section and two of the games available are Super Mario Land and Link’s Awakening DX, which I recommend getting, even if you still have the original cartridges! Other cool titles on the eShop are the 3D Pokedex where you get a new Pokemon over SpotPass every day and you can send/recieve Pokemon among friends!

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E3 Podcast Live Stream Friday Night

This Friday at 7PM Eastern, join us in the live stream for our E3 2011 Podcast! And it’s one year since we’ve kicked off the podcast too! It would be great to see you in our live stream on Friday night here!

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Youtube Tuesday: Zelda Timeline

If you weren’t confused by the Zelda timeline by now, you will be after this video!


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Soul Calibur V Trailer

This looks AMAZING!!

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Lara Croft E3 2011 Trailer

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E3 Starts Today!

E3 is kicking off today! Microsoft kicks off their Press Conference at 9:30 AM PST, Sony at 5PM PST and Nintendo has their Press Conference tomorrow at 9AM PST! This year is going to be an interesting year! Too bad I can’t make it out to LA this year for the E3 Expo. What’s everyone expecting out of E3 this year?

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Youtube Tuesday: Super Mario Bros (Mega64)

What if Super Mario Bros 3 was done in real life?

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Gaming: The Social Movement

There was a time when gaming was frowned upon  by the mainstream media and culture as being a very solitary activity a la world of Warcraft addiction and now, its swept the world by storm and is now considered a relatively social activity that can be enjoyed by the whole family.But I’d like to go back to a time before the Revolution that is the Wii and the DS to a more simpler time of which we remember from our childhood. Continue reading

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Broken Fuse Pre-E3 Podcast: Episode 24

We talk about E3 and our predictions for what should come out of it this year for the Big Three. And for once I didn’t procrastinate on getting the recorded live stream up for your listening pleasure! Listen to our pre-E3 podcast after the jump! Continue reading

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