Category: 3DS
Nintendo had considered releasing a 3D Gameboy Advance but put the idea on hold until the 3DS. The reason that they put the idea on hold was that the LCD screens back in 2001 didn’t have the quality needed to make good quality 3D screens. Also Iwata let slip that the Gamecube was 3D capable as well too but it would have increased production costs by quite a bit. He also mentioned that they did have a 3D version of Luigi’s Mansion as well. At least Nintendo held off on this technology until now, where 3D screens are readily available and are of a good enough quality to pass their quality control.
(via Slash Gear)
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By Markus Lai in 3DS, DS, Microsoft, Nintendo, PC, PS3, Sony, Steam, Wii, XBox 360
January 6, 2011
2011 is an exciting year for video games with amazing titles slated for this year like Gears of Wars 3, Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and Marvel vs Capcom 3 coming out this year. Here are our staff picks for our most anticipated games for the year. Find out what games the staff here are looking forward to this year after the jump!
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It seems that a production 3DS has made it out of a chinese manufacturing factory. Nintendo has been tweaking the design since the announcement in June and it looks great. Now lets hope he grabbed a few 3DS games on the way out.
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Even though the 3DS has yet to have a release date or price tag tacked on to it over here in North America, GameStop has started accepting pre-orders on the system.
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Nintendo is going to be holding a press conference early next year on January 19, 2011 in Amsterdam and in New York for the 3DS.
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