Category: DS

What’s on your holiday gaming schedule?

Thanksgiving is coming up in the States later next week (we Canucks already had ours about a month ago) and the Christmas season is nearly upon us. I’ve got Super Mario 3D Land, Skyrim, Mario Kart 7, Skyward Sword, God of War trilogy and a couple other games on my holiday gaming list. What are some of the games you’re looking forward to play during this Christmas season?

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Broken Fuse VG Blog 2011 GOTY Shortlist

So it’s that time of year where we start whittling our Game Of The Year and ‘Best of’ choices down, or at least we try to. We’ve compiled a shortlist of games after the break, and if you think we missed an amazing game that should be on here, please feel free to leave the name of the game and a category that it would be suitable for! Continue reading

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6 Halloween Games I Recommend Checking Out

Today is Halloween, and as gamers we are blessed with an entertainment medium that offers MANY great games to get into the spirit. Continue reading

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Broken Fuse VG Podcast Episode 28

Well here we are again with a fresh new episode of Broken Fuse VG Podcast! Continue reading

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Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Available on DSiWare and 3DS eShop!

If you haven’t checked out the DSiWare shop and Nintendo 3DS eShop, Legend of Zelda: Four Swords is now available worldwide for download! Continue reading

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Music Monday: The World Ends With You

This Week’s Music Monday features The World Ends Wit You. The game had a phenomenally awesome and good sounding soundtrack! Those driving baselines and J-Pop and Hip Hop tracks are a pleasure to listen to! Continue reading

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Podcast Episode 27

Bummed out about the changing seasons? Then check out our podcast! Continue reading

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The World Ends With You sequel hinted by Nomura

The trailer for Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance features a cameo by Neku, the main character for The World Ends With You. This may just be an innocent cameo appearance but who knows, this may just be a proving ground for interest in the franchise on the 3DS. Continue reading

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Hidden Gems: The World Ends With You

So this is a new thing I’d like to start here on our site where we bring to you a game every so often that we like to call hidden gems. These hidden gems, otherwise commonly known as sleeper hits or games that aren’t overly well known but are otherwise top notch games. Continue reading

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E3 Podcast Live Stream Friday Night

This Friday at 7PM Eastern, join us in the live stream for our E3 2011 Podcast! And it’s one year since we’ve kicked off the podcast too! It would be great to see you in our live stream on Friday night here!

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