Category: Wii

Broken Fuse VG Blog 2011 Game of The Year Winners

After hours of intense debates, deliberation and the stray flying wiimote, we finally have our 2011 Game of The Year selection alongside top game for many of the major genres! Hit the jump to find out which games won out! Continue reading

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2011 Game of The Year Podcast

John and Harley join me in going over our Game of The Year selections for 2011. Hope you enjoy it!


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What 2012 games are you looking forward to?

2012 is nearly upon us and a new year of gaming is just around the corner! Continue reading

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Broken Fuse VG Podcast: Episode 30

In this episode, Torrie and Harley join me in discussing the misinterpretation of Miyamoto’s interview with Wired, 3DS updates and more! don’t forget to join us for races in our Mario Kart 7 Community at 55-1344-9544-9596! Continue reading

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Miyamoto retires from current post, still with Nintendo

Calm down everyone! Miyamoto’s still making games! Continue reading

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Power to the players? More like Power taken from the players!

A bit of a disclaimer before you read the rest of this rant: I’ve met some pretty cool people that work at these stores, albeit you will get some bad apples that give you bad service or don’t know Jack about gaming. Continue reading

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Xenoblade is heading stateside!

Looks like we’re getting Xenoblade after all! Continue reading

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Xenoblade possibly coming to North America as a GameStop Exclusive?

Rumours abound on this new screenshot of Xenoblade possibly coming stateside but as a GameStop exclusive. I’m hoping it isn’t a GameStop exclusive but as long as we get it, I’m not gonna be picky!

(Source and Image: NeoGAF)

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Remember the Vitality Sensor?

Don’t worry, the Vitality Sensor is alive and well, they’ve just encountered some problems in it’s R&D. Continue reading

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Skyward Sword is finally out in North America!!

If you see a mass disappearance of Wii gamers starting tomorrow, Skyward Sword is to blame! Continue reading

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