Christopher Tolkien, son of JRR Tolkien, creator of the Lord of the Rings, has passed away on January 16, 2020 at the age of 95. Chris was instrumental in organizing many of his father’s works posthumously for nearly 50 years and helping to bring works like The Simarillion to the public. You’ll be dearly missed.
While browsing through Reddit earlier today, I discovered that Samurai Jack now has a comic book series that launched in late 2013. In October 2013, they started to release a monthly comic book that picks up where the cartoon ended nine years ago. They have started with a five issue storyline called the Rope of Eons, where Jack starts to retrieve the strands of the Rope of Eons.
The creators of Mortal Kombat are making a fighting game using DC characters. Members of the Justice League and key villains will appear. Many characters received updated looks as well such as Batman resembling the one from Christopher Nolan’s movies. Continue reading
If you’re a fan of Bryan Lee O’ Malley and/or Scott Pilgrim, you’ll be glad to hear that Scot Pilgrim comics will be starting to arrive this summer as a hard cover colour comic until 2014!
If you’re into the world of comics and happen to be living in Toronto and surrounding area, check out the Toronto Comic Arts Festival aka TCAF for short. Continue reading
Kodansha USA set to publish Sailor Moon (manga) for the first time in six years in deluxe edition volumes with bonus content from the original creator Naoko Takeuchi. Continue reading
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