Category: PS3

E3 Podcast Live Stream Friday Night

This Friday at 7PM Eastern, join us in the live stream for our E3 2011 Podcast! And it’s one year since we’ve kicked off the podcast too! It would be great to see you in our live stream on Friday night here!

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Soul Calibur V Trailer

This looks AMAZING!!

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E3 Starts Today!

E3 is kicking off today! Microsoft kicks off their Press Conference at 9:30 AM PST, Sony at 5PM PST and Nintendo has their Press Conference tomorrow at 9AM PST! This year is going to be an interesting year! Too bad I can’t make it out to LA this year for the E3 Expo. What’s everyone expecting out of E3 this year?

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Broken Fuse Pre-E3 Podcast: Episode 24

We talk about E3 and our predictions for what should come out of it this year for the Big Three. And for once I didn’t procrastinate on getting the recorded live stream up for your listening pleasure! Listen to our pre-E3 podcast after the jump! Continue reading

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PSN Breach Costs Sony $171 Million!

Sony’s hurting from the PSN breach that happened in late April for sure, but who knew it would cost them $171 million to get it up and running again?! Continue reading

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PSN Still Down?

Just a few days after Sony announced the return of PSN from the big “hack attack”, PSN is down once again. Continue reading

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PSN Is Back Online!

Looks like the PSN finally makes its return after nearly a month of agonizing waiting! With that being said, Sony has given online credit for 2 free DLC games from the store if I remember correctly. So which games are you planning to catch up on since the PSN is back up now. Better stock up on your caffeinated sodas! Cause I hear week-long CoD online marathons starting right. About. Now!

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E3 Is A Month Away!

E3 2011 is a month away! Continue reading

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Hackers claim to be selling PSN

It seems that security researchers have spotted hackers trying to sell illegally obtained PlayStation Network Data. Continue reading

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Sony conducts investigation, confirms user info and confidentiality compromised

That’s a lot of “cons.”

As most of you are already aware, the Playstation Network (PSN) is still down since it was taken offline on April 20, 2011 one week earlier. Continue reading

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