Category: Youtube Tuesday

Youtube Tuesday: Legend of Zelda medley – a cappella + violin

It’s always nice to see that there’s a fanbase that wants to contribute back a bit through things like music. Plus the performance is epic enough that the guy doesn’t blink ONCE during the whole video!

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Floppy Disk Imperial March

Couldn’t wait for a Youtube Tuesday. This is just too awesome.

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Youtube Tuesday: John Williams Is The Man

In celebration of the recent release of Star Wars on Blu Ray, I’ve dug up a fan favourite of Moosebutter’s a cappella tribute to John William’s epically scored soundtracks!

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Youtube Tuesday: Scott Pilgrim vs The World with British accents

Ever wondered how Scott Pilgrim vs The World would sound like if it was filmed with British accents? Well wonder no further with this week’s Youtube Tuesday!

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Youtube Tuesday: How to win at League of Legends

Put real life online gaming and add a hilarious spin to it and you get this!

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Youtube Tuesday: Battle at F-Stop Ridge

They take the term camera wars to the next level!

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Youtube Tuesdays: Wacom Inkling

Sweet Jesus! Think of the possibilities!

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Youtube Tuesday: DotA 2 Trailer

I agree with the top comment….WTF is Ashe doing there? LOL (no pun intended)

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Youtube Tuesday: Diablo III Barbarian Class

Looks like God of War top-down.

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Youtube Tuesday: Ultimate Graphics

Atoms over polygons. We just need consoles with enough horsepower…

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