Broken Fuse actually started off as a podcast last year in June right after E3 2010. If you would like to check out our previous materials, hit the jump! Continue reading
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Jan 20 2011
Final Fantasy XIII-2 Gets An English Trailer
As most RPG fans know. Final Fantasy XIII-2 was announced just this past week. We now finally have a trailer that is dubbed in in English. Here’s to not delaying this game any longer than necessary.
(via 1up)
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Jan 19 2011
Steve Jobs AFK
By now, most people have heard of the upsetting news that Steve Jobs (CEO and co-founder of Apple) is taking a medical leave of absence. Many fear for the future of the company as Jobs is seen as the lead innovator for their products and a key influence over Apple’s stock price. Continue reading
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Jan 19 2011
Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition Announcement Trailer
It’s looking to be an awesome 3D experience for SSFIV 3D Edition, especially with the addition of the new modes and features added.
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Jan 19 2011
3DS reaches North America on March 27
Nintendo’s 3DS will be released on Sunday, March 27, 2011 in North America. Looks like there’s going to be massive lineups for this device when it comes out. Continue reading
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Jan 18 2011
RAGE! = Fired!
A League of Legends employee raged hard against another player accusing him of “feeding” (purposely dieing to benefit the opponent) during a match a few days ago. Continue reading
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Jan 18 2011
Youtube Tuesday: Roflmao
There’s nothing like a bit of singing and repetitive annoying words to bug your friends into trying to get rid of you.
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Jan 18 2011
Final Fantasy XIII Versus Trailer
Final Fantasy XIII Versus looks amazing like any modern Final Fantasy game. Now if only FFXIII Versus will come out before the PS4 comes out!
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Jan 18 2011
Square-Enix announces Final Fantasy XIII-2
Square-Enix has confirmed that they are working on Final Fantasy XIII-2 for the Xbox 360 and PS3 and is scheduled to come out in the winter of 2012. Continue reading
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Jan 17 2011
No More Rock Band Network Tracks for Wii Users
Next week, the last of the Rock Band Network indie packs will cease to be provided for any Wii owners that own Rock Band. It is due to the small install base that this game has so it is not as profitable for them to upkeep the servers.
(via 1UP)
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