Smash Bros Nintendo Direct

Nintendo DirectGuess it’s time for Nintendo to give us a little more info on Smash Bros 3DS/Wii U and their Spring Lineup. This is just a brief overview of the last Nintendo Direct Continue reading

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April Fools: Google Maps Pokemon Challenge

Google started up April Fools a bit early on March 31 this year with their Google Maps Pokemon challenge. Continue reading

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Oculus Rift Bought By Facebook


Hot off the internet presses, Facebook has announced they’ve bought Oculus Rift for $2 Billion. Continue reading

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April 1, 2014 Ban List Announcement

jar jar banned

Jar Jar Banned

Yugioh’s new list is revealed with a few adjustments. Continue reading

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Bioshock Review




Here’s a look back at the Bioshock series. Each Bioshock game will eventually be reviewed starting with the original Bioshock.

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PS4 Price Increase In Canada

PS4Sadly the PS4 will be increasing prices immediately in Canada. Continue reading

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Episode 54


This week’s podcast is a bit more lax as we’re playing Diablo 3 at the same time as recording. Though I mention it’s Episode 53 in the recording, it should’ve been Episode 54.

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Pokemon Headed To Netflix

ash pikachuNintendo has announced through their Pokemon website that Pokemon will be available to be streamed on Netflix starting March 1. Episodes available as of now are the classic episodes, Pokemon Black & White and Indigo League. Two movies are also available: Pokemon The Movie: White – Victini ad Zekrom and Pokemon The Movie: Black: Victini and Reshiram are also available on Netflix.

(Source: Pokemon Official Website)

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Nintendo Network To Be Killed Off

wiiNintendo will be killing off Nintendo Network; the online service for Nintendo DS and Wii for games like Mario Kart Wii/DS and Pokemon Black & White among other online games. For the full list of games that will be losing online support on May 20, 2014, head over to Nintendo.

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Cyber Dragon Revolution

Cyber Dragon Nova

Cyber Dragon Nova

The beloved Cyber Dragon from the GX era makes a comeback with its very own structure deck complete with a new XYZ form.

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