Youtube Tuesday: Project X Zone

Enjoy the opening of Project X Zone – a dream crossover RPG game by Capcom, Sega and Namco Bandai released for the 3DS today in English!

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Xbox One “Update”


No surprise here. Don Mattrick, President, Interactive Entertainment Business has confirmed what many suspected shortly after the PS4 presentation at E3 this year. Continue reading

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3DS at E3 2013



Three of Nintendo’s biggest game franchises held the 3DS up high as the go-to portable console this year creating the much needed buzz for 3DS players. Continue reading

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Hands-On Impressions – Wii U E3 Demos


With E3 2013 pretty much wrapped up and we’re slowly digesting the deluge of news items for new games and consoles, there were select Best Buys that featured Wii U demos from E3 2013. Continue reading

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Episode 50: E3 2013 Side B



This episode, me, Harley and Kevin round up a good portion of E3 2013 announcements for Nintendo and talk about inevitable delays and our reactions to Nintendo’s presentation.

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Episode 49: E3 Side A

e3-logoToday we talk about Sony, EA, Microsoft and Ubisoft during their E# Press Conferences. We will have Nintendo’s showing and the rest of our E# impressions later this week.

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Yoshi’s New Island – E3 Trailer

Yoshi’s Island E3 Trailer looks pretty neat!

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The Wonderful 101 E3 Trailer

Wonderful 101 looks like it’s shaping up to be another awesome game!

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Pikmin 3 Trailer

A new E3 trailer for the much anticipated Pikmin 3 on Wii U.

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New Super Luigi U – E3 Trailer

The E3 Trailer for New Super Luigi U add-on for New Super Mario Bros U

New Super Luigi U – E3 Trailer

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