Nintendo Direct – E3 2013

Nintendo DirectNintendo skipped out on their regular press conference this year in favour of local Nintendo directs released worldwide simultaneously during E3. It was a good showing, though it could’ve been stronger Continue reading

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Sony E3 2013 Conference

playstation logo

Well Sony has definitely put on a show tonight at E3, and boy is Microsoft is in some hot water! Continue reading

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Ubisoft E3 Press Conference

Ubisoft’s major points for their Press Conference after the jump Continue reading

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Microsoft’s Press Conference: Looking Back

Microsoft-Logo_4As much as I think that Microsoft could’ve done a better job with the whole presentation but I think overall it wasn’t bad. Continue reading

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EA Press Conference E3 2013

EALogoBlackHere’s a brief overview of EA’s E3 Presentation after the jump! Continue reading

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Microsoft E3 Press Conference

Microsoft-Logo_4Well Microsoft has kicked off E3 with their press conference today. Hit the jump for a brief overview of games and major announcements! Continue reading

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Diablo 3 Street Dates Confirmed For Consoles

Diablo-3Well if you’re a fan of Blizzard’s long standing RPG franchise Diablo, a street date for Diablo 3 for consoles has been announced! Continue reading

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Modern Masters Set Review

Arcbound Ravager

Arcbound Ravager

Players of Magic’s Modern format are in for a treat with a dedicated pack filled with goodies. Continue reading

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E3 2013 Best Buy Wii U Demo Locations

bestbuyNintendo had announced that there would be 110 Best Buy locations with E3 Demos for the Wii U. The dates that have been set are Tuesday June 12 from 4PM to 8PM and Saturday June 15 from 1PM to 5PM. No particular stores have been designated just yet. Hit the jump for the list of Canadian and American cities. Continue reading

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Episode 48: E3 2013 Predictions And Speculations


With E3 in in full swing, we discuss what we think will happen and what we would like to see during E3 2013 in this podcast. And as we mentioned on this episode, Nintendo of America will have demos available on June 12 and 15 at various Best Buy locations in Canada and the States.

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