John Williams To Score Star Wars Episode 7

john-williams-star-wars-episode-7Movie buffs and Star Wars fans rejoice! Continue reading

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Poll: Which Is Your Favourite Starter Pokemon Of All Time?



Hey guys! With all the Pokemon games released out there since 1995, which one is your favourite starter?

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Unofficial Miiverse Apps On Android

menu-logoCurrently there are two unofficial Miiverse apps available on Android through Google Play. Continue reading

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Satoru Iwata Now CEO of Nintendo of America

nintendoAfter the financial statement this morning, Nintendo has announced current CEO Satoru Iwata willl take on the extra role of Nintendo of America CEO. Continue reading

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MiiVerse Available On Web Browsers



Well looky here! Miiverse is now accessible through web browsers, albeit in a limited fashion right now! You can’t reply to threads right now, but you can browse through by signing in with your Miiverse account! Click here to head over!

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Nintendo To Skip Out On E3 Presser

e3-logoThis is a bit of a surprise to many people. Continue reading

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Episode 46: More Nintendo Direct Announcements!



Well after a month long hiatus, we’re back! This time, John and Harley join me on talking the most recent Nintendo Direct about Zelda, Pokemon and sinking way too much time on games!

Intro: You Just Don’t Exist – Plumtree
Outro: Castle Crescendo (Krook’s March) – Sole Signal

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BFVG Vlog #1

So we know that content on our site has been slow as of late and I’ve decided that we’re going to start a semi-regular vlog to provide you with our thoughts and opinions on the happenings on the world of gaming and technology!

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Wii U Virtual Console Kicks Off On Tuesday

SNESThe Virtual Console for the Wii U is finally making it’s debut this Tuesday. Continue reading

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Canadian PlayStation Gamers Get Settlement From 2011 PSN Hack

PSN-DownResidents of Canada with PSN accounts before May 2011 are eligible for a small compensation. Continue reading

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