Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon Gets A Release Date

Luigis-Mansion-Dark-Moon-14Alas, the long wait for a new Luigi’s Mansion  is nearly over! Nintendo has finally given Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon a release date of March 24 for North America, but no word on an European or Australian date as of this post.

(Source: IGN)

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Nintendo Conglomerates Handheld And Console Development Divisions

nintendoAccording to, Nintendo has set forward to combine it’s handheld and console divisions. Continue reading

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Pandora’s Tower Headed to North America

pandoras-tower-walkthrough-coverWell it looks like XSEED is finally bringing the last third of the games Operation Rainfall had set out to campaign to bring over for the Americas. Pandora’s Tower will be making it’s way to North America sometime this spring, so hopefully it’s worth dusting the Wii off for one last time. Now then, I’ve gotta finish off Xenoblade Chronicles and The Last Story before it’s release!

(Source: Infendo)

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Youtube Tuesday: Original Pokemon Theme Song

For 2013’s first Youtube Tuesday, we bring you the original Pokemon Theme song to celebrate the announcement of the new Pokemon X & Y game exclusively for the 3DS!

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Pokemon X & Y Announced

Get ready to catch ’em all again this October worldwide!

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Episode 42: Looking Back At 2012

McQuarrie4Harley and I look back at 2012 and our favourite games and technology in this episode.


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End Of An Era: PlayStation 2 Production Stop

playstation2logoTopWell it is indeed an end of an era. The PlayStation 2, Sony’s most popular home console has stopped all worldwide production as of last week. It’s hard to believe that it’s been 12 years and 150 million units later as of now.

(Source: Destructoid)

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Nintendo Teases With New Pokemon Announcement

pikachuNintendo is teasing us with a major Pokemon announcement for January 8 and has said nothing much more besides that. 2013 is getting to a good start! I’m hoping that it’s a mainline Pokemon game for the 3DS or an old port heading to the eShop!

(Source: Pocket Gamer)

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Happy New Year 2013 New Year’s from the Broken Fuse VG Blog crew! Happy gaming in 2013!


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Youtube Tuesday: Real Life Chun-Li

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