Steam Summer Sale!

It’s that time of year again! The annual Steam Summer Sale has begun. Awesome games at ridiculous prices. Pro tip: Unless the game is a daily deal, it will probably sell for a lower price closer the last day of the sale.

Check it out here.

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Project Sora closes down

Project Sora, the studio behind Kid Icarus: Uprising has closed their doors as of June 30 and their website will be shut down by July 31. The studio was founded by Masahiro Sakurai and Satoru Iwata in 2009.

Sakurai will now be focusing his efforts on the new Smash Bros game.

(Source: Game Trailers)

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Youtube Tuesday: Fire Emblem Skills Extreme- Mia VS Lucia!

I think the video pretty much speaks for itself, showing off what characters can do with multiple skills stacked onto a character, and how epic Fire Emblem can/could be if the player were allowed full access to these skills in game.  There are a series of videos created by the same user showing off characters from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn dueling against other characters from the series. Both of which I find it quite entertaining, and rather epic.

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Google Nexus 7

Woot woot! Looks like the Nexus tablet is available for order. This is probably the best tablet for the money available right now. The 8gb is priced at $209 and comes with a $25 credit for Google Play. It runs Jelly Bean (4.1), uses a 7 inch IPS display, and is quad core! Best of all, it has a battery life rated at 8 hours with active use. Asus is the maker of this tablet and it is rumoured that a 10 inch model will come out later this year. Let the tablet wars begin!


via Google

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The PS Vita: A Biopsy

No matter how you look at it, The PS Vita is in a bit of trouble. The hardware itself is stellar, with a beautiful OLED touchscreen, a touch sensitive back panel, dual analog sticks, dual shoulder buttons and a plethora of other features that include gyros crammed into there. Continue reading

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8-bit summer games

Nintendo is making old 8-bit games available this summer every week for the 3DS. This week they will be releasing NES Open Tournament Golf and Legend of Zelda. Remember to check back every week on the eShop to check out new games!

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What are your favourite handheld games to travel with?

Since it’s summer and travel is quite common during these months, what are some games you like to travel with? I usually pack in a Pokemon and Mario Kart game as a travelling staple.

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New North American Zelda Symphony Dates

If you haven’t checked out the site for Zelda Symphony, there are some new concert dates and locations, or you could check our page too!

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Atari Turns 40!

Atari turns a ripe young age of 40 today! If you remember owning an Atari 2600 in the 80s, you’ve definitely stuck around for quite a while! Celebrating 40 years, Atari has a 4 day giveaway on their Facebook Page. What are some of your favourite games made by Atari?

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Youtube Tuesday: Vizio All-in-One

Vizio is moving into the computer market and it looks like they are bringing some heat! With a price point at just over $1000, this is sure to attract a huge following. I really want that trackpad!

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