Breaking: 3DS size upgrade!

Just ahead of Nintendo’s E3 2012 Press Conference tomorrow, a new 3DS size has been announced and will be 1.5x bigger. It will feature a 4.3″ touchscreen. No further details are given, but Nikkei did mention that a global summer release could be possible! What do you think of a 3DS XL being released?

(Source: IGN)

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Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch E3 2012 Trailer

This just looks so good! Can’t wait for this game to come out!

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Resident Evil 6 E3 2012 Live Demo

A 5 minute demo of Resident Evil 6 during Microsoft’s Presser

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SmartGlass links your Xbox 360 to your smart device

All you non-WP7 users don’t need to worry about missing out! Continue reading

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Microsoft E3 Press Conference Recap

The Microsoft E3 Press Conference wasn’t the most stunning of shows to say the least, but here’s a short recap of what was shown during their presser. Continue reading

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Broken Fuse VG Podcast Episode 37

This episode Harley and I discuss E3 expectations and recap on a few news items

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George Lucas Retires

Well it looks like George Lucas has finally jettisoned from LucasFilm after originally creating it back in 1975 and is now going to be doing some indie films out of his garage. Let’s hope we get to see some of what he makes! May the Force be with you Lucas!

(Source: Blastr)

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Nintendo Direct Pre-E3 Presentation

So if you didn’t watch the Nintendo Direct press conference, I have a brief recap of the most important info that came out during that was presented by Satoru Iwata Continue reading

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Nintendo Direct Happening Today!

Nintendo’s President, Satoru Iwata is goig to be hosting Nintendo Direct later today at 3 PM PDT and will be revealing new information on the Wii U! Let’s see what the Big N has in store for us!

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E3 2012 Coverage

Unfortunately we won’t have a reporter at E3 this year but we will try to have a daily recap of the most important announcements, trailers and demos that come out from E3. Click here for all our E3 coverage!

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