Kid Icarus fans, if you want seconds, you’re out of luck! Continue reading
May 10 2012
No Kid Icarus Uprising Sequel
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May 09 2012
Bioshock Infinite delayed until 2013
Well I guess this isn’t much of a shock (pun intended) but another game has been delayed. Continue reading
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May 08 2012
Teen Titans Theme Beast Boy Karaoke
The Teen Titans theme song, sung in the spirit of the Japanese version. It’s pretty wacky but fun to sing along to.
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May 07 2012
Microsoft Confirms $99 Subscription Based Consoles
Well it has to start somewhere right? Microsoft has confirmed the $99 subscription consoles to be a real thing as long as you bring in this coupon for the 4GB Xbox 360 Slim model with Kinect. This offer is only valid for the States at the moment and conctract stipulates that there will be early cancellation fees to the montly XBL subscriptions that are part of the $99 Xbox 360 + Kinect deal.
(Source: Game Informer)
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May 07 2012
A Ravnica Warm Up
The latest Magic duel deck is announced. This time it’s guild vs guild! Continue reading
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May 05 2012
Avacyn Restored Set Review
Avacyn Restored is the final set of the Innistrad block and it sure is a holy Magic set. Continue reading
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May 04 2012
Happy Star Wars Day
May Fourth is undeniably pun related and nerdy for all Star Wars fans. Continue reading
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May 03 2012
Toronto Comics Arts Festival Is This Weekend!
This is a bit of a reminder for those who are in the Greater Toronto Area and are fans of the comic arts. Continue reading
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May 01 2012
Ivy Bridge Has Arrived!
There has been much speculation on the Ivy Bridge release date. April 23rd was the official announcement date but many had speculated that Intel would hold out on distribution to sell off the Sandy Bridge inventory first. Fortunately, it appears as if many local dealers are already starting to sell the new line of processors (and Sandy Bridge at steep discounts). Dell even has an Ivy Bridge option if you are building a computer there. If you are planning to build a PC in the near future (possibly for Diablo III purposes), now would be the time to do it.
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