Nintendo Switch Turns Three

The Nintendo Switch turns three years old today. What have been some of your favourite games for this system?

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Infiland Galaxy Tab A 10.1 Premium Keyboard Case Stand Review

I picked up the Infiland Galaxy Tab 10.1 case for the 2016 Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet (SM-T580/585) from Amazon Canada for $31. It comes with a short micro USB cable for charging the detachable Bluetooth cable. It’s designed for the 2016 model of the Galaxy Tab A (SM-T580/585) without the S Pen.

The keyboard keys themselves are good for word processing and surfing the net. It detaches from the case itself easily as it is connected to the case by magnets

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Fossil Sport (Gen 4) Review

I picked up the Fossil Sport Gen 4 smartwatch in the 43 mm size. Continue reading

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Christopher Tolkien passes away at 95

Christopher Tolkien, son of JRR Tolkien, creator of the Lord of the Rings, has passed away on January 16, 2020 at the age of 95. Chris was instrumental in organizing many of his father’s works posthumously for nearly 50 years and helping to bring works like The Simarillion to the public. You’ll be dearly missed.

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Episode 61

This week we talk about phone pricing and the shuttering of Windows 10 Mobile

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Nintendo Direct E3 2018

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Square Enix @ E3 2018

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Bethesda @ E3 2018

Bethesda had a pretty good showing this year at E3 Continue reading

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Microsoft E3 2018

  • Brief teaser trailer for Halo Infinite
  • Crackdown 3
  • Forza Horizon 4
  • Ori and the Will of the Wisps
  • Kingdom Hearts 3 will be released on the Xbox One
  • Fallout 76
  • Devil May Cry 5 will be released next spring and it’s been a decade since the last one

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EA @ E3 2018

EA went up first for E3 this year. Here are a few highlights. Continue reading

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