Receive a Free Mewtwo

For Pokemon players, this is a must have for your game! The free Mewtwo wi-fi event is available until February 26. Simply log on to Nintendo Wi-Fi at the home screen of Pokemon Black or White and receive the gift.

(Source: )

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Catch Up With the Best of Yugioh GX!

Yugioh GX Ra Yellow Mega Pack is available today! Continue reading

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Youtube Tuesday: Zelda singing Ballad of the Goddess in reverse

Should’ve posted this sooner but Zelda fans, you should be able to pick out what this is!

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March 2012 Yugioh Ban List

The new Yugioh ban list has been planned out and is effective for the next six months. What do you think of Konami’s latest decision? Continue reading

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Poll: What do you think of 3D entertainment?

So what do you think of 3D invading alot of popular media formats as of late? Leave a comment below too!

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Broken Fuse VG Podcast Episode 33

This time Petrija and John join me in discussing internet censorship, Kingdom Hearts, Zelda and tablet controllers.

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PSA: Your free ticket to Four Swords is almost up

If you’re still procrastinating about downloading Legend of Zelda: Four Swords for your 3DS or DSi, you only have a few days left! Continue reading

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Dark Ascension Set Review

It’s been around two weeks since Dark Ascension is out and now that we’re used to the new set, it’s time for a review. Continue reading

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Microsoft experimenting with tablet style controller for 360 successor?

As Steve Jobs once said, Good artists copy, great artists steal. And Microsoft is at it again! Continue reading

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More Details on Fire Emblem Awakening

More information regarding the upcoming Fire Emblem game for 3DS is revealed.  Continue reading

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