Anyone excited about Star Wars Episode 1 3D

Great franchise, but not so good beginnings of the Anakin Skywalker story. Anyone excited for The Phantom Menace 3D?

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Dark Ascension Event Decks Spoilers!

Dark Ascension event deck list is now spoiled on Wizards’ official website and there’s plenty of high valued cards to go around. Continue reading

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Dragons Are Back!

The new Dragons Collide structure deck is released today. Continue reading

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Youtube Tuesday: Zelda: A Boring Day On Windfall Island

You never want to mess with pigs in Zelda after this!

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Resident Evil Revelations Demo playthrough


Looks great

Looks great!

Resident Evil Revelations Demo (on Normal)

I know this has been out for awhile but in honour of the game’s launch in North America today here’s a video (possibly more later) of the game’s demo with Japanese audio (and subtitles)

There’s also a Hell Mode Speed Run demo here.

Now I’m off to get a copy at EB Games before they run out of cases, and or copies of the game!

(Source: Youtube and IGN )

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Battle Pack: Epic Dawn – Epic Collection of Yugioh Cards!

Konami plans to release an intense collection set guaranteed to please both players and collectors! Continue reading

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Black Rock Shooter is here!

Black Rock Shooter has finally arrived as an official anime on Jan 28. 2012!

Continue reading

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Youtube Tuesday: A Link To The Past ad

Back in the day, dance routines like this was acceptable in Japan for ads. Definitely wouldn’t get away with this today!

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Wii U To Include NFC And Nintendo Contemplating Name Change For Console

The Wii U is well on its way to becoming Nintendo’s next generation of home consoles. Continue reading

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If you think SOPA and PIPA were bad, meet their big brother, ACTA!

If you thought SOPA and PIPA were bad and that it was all over with, I hate to be he harbinger of bad news but ACTA is their big brother and it’s a lot worse! Continue reading

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