Broken Fuse VG Blog 2011 Game of The Year Winners

After hours of intense debates, deliberation and the stray flying wiimote, we finally have our 2011 Game of The Year selection alongside top game for many of the major genres! Hit the jump to find out which games won out! Continue reading

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2011 Game of The Year Podcast

John and Harley join me in going over our Game of The Year selections for 2011. Hope you enjoy it!


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Legend of Zelda rap

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What 2012 games are you looking forward to?

2012 is nearly upon us and a new year of gaming is just around the corner! Continue reading

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There are more 3DS Owners in Japan Than Gamecube Owners!

Last week’s 3DS sales was the strongest showings so far. Continue reading

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Nintendo Zone Experience

So if you’ve updated your 3DS to the latest firmware, you’ll notice that there’s a Nintendo Zone app that arrived with the update. I finally encountered one of those Nintendo Zones up here in the Great White North while perusing the games section of my local Best Buy. Continue reading

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Sony Ends LCD Joint Venture With Samsung

The joint venture between Sony and Samsung to make LCD panels for TVs will soon be a thing of the past. Continue reading

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Merry Christmas!!

From all the staff at Broken Fuse VG Blog, we would like to wish you a very merry Christmas! Continue reading

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Could This Be The Official Zelda Timeline?

So apparently the official timeline for Zelda has been leaked and it’s confusing as hell. Continue reading

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The Hobbit Trailer

The Hobbit finally has a release date of December 14, 2012 and as we all know, is directed by Peter Jackson. I’m already giddy for the movie even though we’ve nearly got a full year before it’s release!

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