Nintendo 3DS Gets Letter Box/Swapnote Messenger Service

Nintendo will be releasing a messenger service named Letter Box in Europe and will drop on December 22, 2011. Continue reading

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Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance NA/EU Release Confirmed For 2012

Square Enix has confirmed that Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance will be headed to North America and Europe some time in 2012. Continue reading

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Youtube Tuesday: Super Mario Sleighride

To help you to get into the festive spirit, I’ve dug up a Mario themed Sleighride remix! Have yourself a very Merry Christmas everyone! Hit the jump for some bonus music (non-gaming) that I enjoy listening and used to play in band during my high school days! Continue reading

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Steam Holiday Sale

Steam has it’s Christmas sale going on now and many games have gone on sale.
There are daily deals to be had, so check back often to see what’s being discounted! Clich here to head over to Steam’s storefront!

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New Kingdom Hearts 3D Trailer

So Square Enix, when can I get my hands on this game?

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New Pokemon game announced! But…

Brace yourself for what quite possibly will blow your mind. Ready? Watch this:

The game is translated to “Pokemon + Nobunaga’s Ambition”. Nobunaga’s Ambition is a turn-based strategy RPG (kind of like Fire Emblem) that is set in feudal Japan times. Apparently in this game, you are supposed to gradually take over Japan as a “trainer”, and you start with an Eevee. Not much else is known about it.

Quite frankly, the first time I saw this I thought it was some kind of joke. It looks quite interesting though. What are your thoughts?

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3DS Ambassador GBA Games Now Ready For Download

If you haven’t downloaded the ten 3DS Ambassador GBA titles available for free, go do that now! This is a great list of games and I know I’ll be enjoying these titles over the Christmas holiday and well into the new year! The full list can be found after the jump. Continue reading

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Review: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

Game: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
Platform: 3DS
Developer: Nintendo EAD, Grezzo
Publisher: Nintendo
Release Date:
North America: June 19 2011
Europe: June 17, 2011
Australia: June 30, 2011
Japan: June 16, 2011
Number of Players: Single Player
Genre: Action Adventure
ESRB – 10+
PEGI – 12

This game is based on retail version of the game Continue reading

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Broken Fuse VG Podcast: Episode 30

In this episode, Torrie and Harley join me in discussing the misinterpretation of Miyamoto’s interview with Wired, 3DS updates and more! don’t forget to join us for races in our Mario Kart 7 Community at 55-1344-9544-9596! Continue reading

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Tales of Graces f Release Date Announced!

Namco Bandai has finally put a release date on Tales of Graces f for North America and Europe! Continue reading

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