Holiday Games: Christmas NiGHTS Into Dreams…

It’s the holidays! Time to bust out the eggnog, enjoy endless replays of your favorite Christmas songs, go shopping, and the various other things. Of course, video games like to celebrate too! Continue reading

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Zelda 3DS Bundle is out now!

The limited edition Zelda 3DS bundle is now in store shelves! If you don’t have a 3DS or are getting one for a loved one, now is the time! I’ll have unboxing video/pics once my online order from GameStop arrives. Now if only I could stop waiting impatiently at the door like Scott Pilgrim for my package to arrive!

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Remember the Vitality Sensor?

Don’t worry, the Vitality Sensor is alive and well, they’ve just encountered some problems in it’s R&D. Continue reading

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Youtube Tuesday: Once in a lifetime knife throw

This is one hell of a knife throw! Finally a bit of justice against campers, especially cause CoD is rampant with them!

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Super Mario 3D Land 3DS Bundle

As if the Zelda 3DS bundle wasn’t enough, Nintendo of America has announced a Super Mario 3D Land 3DS bundle with a Flame Red 3DS and the game! Continue reading

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Skyward Sword is finally out in North America!!

If you see a mass disappearance of Wii gamers starting tomorrow, Skyward Sword is to blame! Continue reading

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Limited Edition 3DS Coming to North America


It looks like we can haz special 3DS after all! After spending upwards of a week drooling all over my computer screen and cursing Europe, it seems us rabid fans on this side of the pond won’t be left out in the cold after all… Continue reading

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The Appeal of Zelda

The Legend of Zelda has been around for 25 years since its debut on the NES way back in 1986. Few franchises have lasted so long, and yet still have such a solid grip on our imaginations and paychecks. Continue reading

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Broken Fuse Podcast: Episode 29

This episode, we talk about game releases, the explosion of new releases for Christmas and the overratedness of yearly releases of Sports and Shooter games and more! Continue reading

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Youtube Tuesday: Skyward Sword Robin Williams “Origins” Trailer

Sadly we won’t be seeing this awesome Zelda trailer over here in North America. C’mon Nintendo of America, bring over some more awesome trailers and games! While you’re at it Nintendo, The Last Story, Pandora’s Tower and Xenoblade look awesome enough to bring over here too, no?

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