Youtube Tuesday: Battle at F-Stop Ridge

They take the term camera wars to the next level!

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Game Music Monday: Waltz of the Forest

Made by Kirbopher15 on YouTube, this is from Super Mario RPG. Continue reading

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Hidden Gems: The World Ends With You

So this is a new thing I’d like to start here on our site where we bring to you a game every so often that we like to call hidden gems. These hidden gems, otherwise commonly known as sleeper hits or games that aren’t overly well known but are otherwise top notch games. Continue reading

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Episode 26 Live Broadcast

It’s been since E3 2011 that we’ve had our last podcast and quite a bit has happened since then. Join us on Labour Day Monday at around 8PM on Ustream and we’ll talk gaming!

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Wanna see something get written?

Have an idea? Suggestions? If you have anything you want to see us write about, like reviews, news stories or things we geek out on send us a line to any of our authors or to our official Twitter at Continue reading

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Long Overdue E3 Episode


As you may know, we run a podcast usually at least once a month but we’ve kinda slacked off this summer but here’s a bit of a treat for you if you don’t normally join us live! Continue reading

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Darth Vader says ‘Noooo’ in Return of the Jedi

George Lucas decides to slip in this ‘Noooo’ line for Vader subtly into the scene where the Emperor is thrown over the ledge to save his son Luke. Continue reading

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3DS Ambassador NES Games Drop A Day Early!

Got some extra time today? Good! The 10 NES games available for the 3DS Ambassador Program dropped today, a day earlier than scheduled!

If you’re having a bit of trouble finding where Nintendo has buried your games, here are a few steps to help you find your free games!

  1. Go to the Nintendo eShop Channel
  2. Scroll over and click Settings/Other
  3. Scroll down to Your Downloads
  4. Scroll down to the right game and click next if its not on that page
  5. Click Redownload and confirm your download
  6. Repeat steps two to six until you’re finished!

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Youtube Tuesdays: Wacom Inkling

Sweet Jesus! Think of the possibilities!

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Zelda Skyward Sword Limited Edition Bundle

Nintendo America just announced that there will be a Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword bundle coming to store shelves on November 20. The bundle is limited edition and includes the game, a Gold Wii Remote Plus and includes the CD recording of the Zelda 25th Anniversary concert! This limited edition Skyward Sword bundle will make your wallet $70 lighter in three process. Now its time for me to run over to my local EB Games and change that pre-order of mine!

(via Joystiq)

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