Street Fighter uppercuts it’s way back to consoles early in 2014 with a brand new version! Continue reading
Tag: Capcom
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Jun 25 2013
Youtube Tuesday: Project X Zone
Enjoy the opening of Project X Zone – a dream crossover RPG game by Capcom, Sega and Namco Bandai released for the 3DS today in English!
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Jan 18 2013
Street Fighter x Mega Man v2
The fan made Mega Man crossover PC game received a much needed update today on January 18, 2013. This game celebrates Mega Man’s 25th anniversary and is free to download. The update includes bug fixes, ability to save screenshots, better support with controllers, a password save system and, boss changes.
To download the game go to Capcom’s Mega Man group page
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Jun 04 2012
Resident Evil 6 E3 2012 Live Demo
A 5 minute demo of Resident Evil 6 during Microsoft’s Presser
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Apr 11 2012
$1240 Resident Evil 6 Platinum Edition
The $1240 price tag is pretty ridiculous for any kind of video game, but seriously Capcom? Even if it does include an awesome Leon S. Kennedy leather jacket, four phone cases, platinum edition of RE6, it is a bit overpriced for many gamers. Oh, and it’s only available in Japan too.
(Source: IGN)
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Feb 28 2012
Youtube Tuesday: Yoshinori Ono Remembers a Great Day!
Yoshinori Ono remembers a great day
Parodying of a scene from the Street Fighter movie.
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Feb 07 2012
Resident Evil Revelations Demo playthrough

Looks great!
Resident Evil Revelations Demo (on Normal)
I know this has been out for awhile but in honour of the game’s launch in North America today here’s a video (possibly more later) of the game’s demo with Japanese audio (and subtitles)
There’s also a Hell Mode Speed Run demo here.
Now I’m off to get a copy at EB Games before they run out of cases, and or copies of the game!
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Jan 20 2012
Capcom confirms Resident Evil 6
Capcom has confirmed Resident Evil 6 and will be released on Nov 20, 2012. Leon S. Kennedy and Chris Redfield are confirmed to be playable characters in the game. Ada Wong appears in the trailer and should make a cameo somewhere in the game as well. Anyone looking forward to shooting up some zombies?
(Source: IGN)
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Feb 15 2011
Marvel vs Capcom 3
One of the most anticipated 2D fighting games, Marvel vs Capcom 3, hits store shelves today! It’s looking like its going to be another solid fighting game to add to the likes of Super Street Fighter 4 and Tekken 6. The addition of new characters into the game like Jill Valentine and Amaterasu make this game all the more attractive. It’s guaranteed a spot in my games library for a long while cause of the replay value that I can get out of it playing it with friends. I’m hoping that there will be more characters available in the future via DLC even though the current roster is pretty awesome as it is right now. I’ll be starting off playing this game with Amaterasu, Ryu and Jill Valentine once I get my hands on this game!
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